Header file narrow_cast.hpp

namespace type_safe
    template <typename Target, typename Source>
    constexpr Target narrow_cast(const Source& source) noexcept;
    template <typename Target, typename Source, class Policy>
    constexpr 'hidden' narrow_cast(const integer<Source, Policy>& source) noexcept;
    template <typename Target, typename Source>
    constexpr 'hidden' narrow_cast(const floating_point<Source>& source) noexcept;

Function template type_safe::narrow_cast [types]

template <typename Target, typename Source>
constexpr Target narrow_cast(const Source& source) noexcept;

Returns: An arithmetic type with the same value as in source, but converted to to a different type.

Requires: The value of source must be representable by the new target type.

Function template type_safe::narrow_cast [types]

template <typename Target, typename Source, class Policy>
constexpr 'hidden' narrow_cast(const integer<Source, Policy>& source) noexcept;

Returns: A ts::integer with the same value as source but of a different type.

Requires: The value of source must be representable by the new target type.

Notes: Target can either be a specialization of the integer template itself or a built-in integer type, the result will be wrapped if needed.

Function template type_safe::narrow_cast [types]

template <typename Target, typename Source>
constexpr 'hidden' narrow_cast(const floating_point<Source>& source) noexcept;

Returns: A ts::floating_point with the same value as source but of a different type.

Requires: The value of source must be representable by the new target type.

Notes: Target can either be a specialization of the floating_point template itself or a built-in floating point type, the result will be wrapped if needed.